Yorba Linda Plastic Surgery

Brazilian Butt LiftYorba Linda, CA

The Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, is a surgical procedure that involves the removal and transfer of excess fat in certain areas of the body to enhance the buttocks. This creates a more natural appearance than other procedures such as butt implants. Dr. Bivens is a board certified plastic surgeon who has specialized in this treatment for over 25 years.

"Get Cheeky" BBL Special! For a limited time you can save $550 on your BBL procedure when you book your consultation by the end of May 2023! An in person or virtual consultation is necessary to discover if you are a candidate for this treatment. Book your consult today.

- The latest in BBL techniques and procedures
- Compassionate care and customized procedures
- Reshape your body and your life today!

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Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) Gallery

Brazilian butt Lift

Before we begin any procedure, we will take the time to review the patient's current condition, medical history and other various factors to ensure this procedure is right for the patient. While this procedure can help patients change the size and shape of their butt to their preference, it is important to understand the procedure. During the procedure, we will remove excess fat from the hips, abdomen, lower back or thighs. Then, we will transfer that excess fat to the butt for a rounder and more sculpted appearance. At Optimal Plastic Surgery, our plastic surgeon will perform the procedure to meet the patient's desires as much as possible. During a consultation, we will learn what the patient's overall goal for the procedure is before we customize it to their needs. During this time, we can also go over what this procedure can do for the patient and what they need to be wary of.

The Treatment Process

The following is a breakdown of what one can expect during a Brazilian butt lift procedure. During an appointment, we will take the time to answer any questions and address any concerns the patient has. This way, we can help to ease them into the surgery by going over the:
  • Preparation
  • Procedure
  • Follow-up care
  • Preparation Preparing for the Brazilian butt lift procedure is one of the most important steps in the process. Our surgeon will need to do a thorough examination of the patient's body to determine where the fat transfer will take place. The body will be marked appropriately with a marker. This is where we will answer any questions. In some cases, the patient will have to schedule the surgical procedure for a later date. Once the patient is ready, we will administer the anesthesia so that the patient is not conscious during the procedure. We will disinfect the area where the liposuction will take place to help avoid infection. The Procedure Liposuction is the main method we will use for the Brazilian butt lift. We will then insert a small cannula, a small tube, through an incision we make in the specific harvest areas. This will allow us to begin removing the fat via suction through the tube. We will also use the tube to insert a tumescent fluid consisting of lidocaine and epinephrine. Both of these medications help numb the area and thin the blood to avoid heavy bruising after the procedure. With liposuction, we can extract the fat from fattier parts of the body. After, we will then inject them back into the buttocks with a small syringe. Since the patient will be under the influence of anesthesia and we will numb the area, the patient will not feel as much pain afterward.

    Necessary follow-up Care

    After the procedure, we will go over the proper follow-up care. The patient needs to follow up the steps for healthy recovery. We will go over specific tools the patient can use to help their recovery. Various recovery steps can include:
  • Wearing a compression garment
  • Getting rest
  • Avoiding intense physical labor
  • Not working out, especially running
  • Compression Garments One of the most important follow-up care tips is to wear a compression garment in order for the harvested fat areas to heal properly. The compression garment will be provided and even fitted before the patient leaves to return home. This garment is especially helpful for the healing process and typically needs to be worn for a few weeks. We will also go over the proper use and care for the garment at this time. Rest Once a Brazilian butt lift procedure is complete, it is important to rest and relax so that the body can heal properly. Involved activities such as running or working out should be put on hold so that the butt isn’t in use while it tries to heal. After a month or so of steady rest, the body may be able to handle some activities such as light walking. Visit Us Another important follow-up tip is to visit us after a few weeks and few months. We will be able to determine how well the person is healing and make any necessary adjustments to the recovery process. We can address the areas where the fat transfer took place.

    Considering a Brazilian Butt Lift?

    A lot of people consider a Brazilian butt lift because of the benefits that it offers. However, it is best to consult with a professional such as a plastic surgeon if you want to enhance your appearance and think a Brazilian butt lift is the procedure for you. We are happy to guide you through the process and evaluate you. Give us a call or stop by our office today, we are here to help.

    Contact Us

    Optimal Plastic Surgery is located at 17435 Imperial Hwy Suite D Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (657) 444-9291